Thursday, December 31, 2009

What advice can you give to a youngster of 18 nowadays ??

You have dreamt enuf till its time to implement!

you read charles theory ';survival of the fittest'; b4r..its time you can realise must excel others to fetch a better job.

Time to accept new matter what.. ultimate success matters!!

You took others for its time you inspire others!

Just go according to your career are the best judge of self....aware of own skill set...plan accordingly...once decided please do take suggestions from seniors and elders...then go ahead!

Good luck.

:)What advice can you give to a youngster of 18 nowadays ??
This is a great lecture to listen to (from Stanford):鈥?/a>What advice can you give to a youngster of 18 nowadays ??
college = $1,000,000 (attending college raises your lifetime income by one million dollars, on average)

vote for someone who won't get you killed in Iraq

call when you actually want my advice
enroll in a college, and get a job to help pay your way
Get a job.
get a good education in a field you will enjoy; take some liberal art and enrichment courses. life is not all about careers it is about enrichment and culture also. wait to get married and have children until you are finished with your education and have had a chance to do some traveling and enjoy at least one adventure.
Have lots of sex. Everyday!
Get in at least 4 more years of school or some professional trade training NOW, even if you have to take out student loans to do it. It will pay off in less than 10 years of work.

Open an IRA as soon as you have your first job. Even if you can only put $10 a week in it, start now and you'll be able to retire in comfort later. Compounded interest adds up faster than you think.

Don't be stupid with your first credit card. Almost everyone makes this mistake and then wastes 3-8 years paying for it. Don't do it! Be the smart one! Don't buy ANYTHING except a car or a house that you can't pay off in three months or less. And don't buy a car that you can't pay off in three years or less - if it takes 5 years to pay it off, the payments are too high for your pocketbook right now. And when you get it paid off, don't run out and buy another one just because. Run it into the ground - and the whole time you're not paying the bank for it, bank the same payment in a savings account. That way you'll have a great down-payment on the next one and a smaller car note.

Don't be in a hurry. Watch and listen. You'll learn a lot, and avoid pitfalls that others fall into.
Law of karma holds true,universally.For every act you indulge secret or open,near or far,big or small,good or evil;there WILL be repercussions.So if you are sane enough to engage in an act[any act] you must be ready to take full responsibility for the consequencies of that act-intended or otherwise.And lastly adopt the golden rule:Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.And you'll live a fulfilling and happier life,trust me!
Have a best friend - whatever else u do, however else u f*** up ur life, that person will be there for you to cry on. Of course, you have to return the favor - but it isnt too difficult for a best friend.
Stay away from drugs,practice safe sex,and don't hang with the wrong crowds.
when you graduate, leave home to the military or college. Do not take money from your parents. Instead, take out loans to pay for school or get scholarships. This way you grow up knowing you did it yourself with no help form Mommy and Daddy.
Be your own person. Only other thing would be to try anything and everything on offer - find what you like doing and enjoy!
forget school- travel and see everything you can- life's too short.

take every moment and never let a good opportunity that you believe will benefit you, pass you by.

if it isn't life-threatening, don't worry about it!!!

i have just turned 24 and life goes fast after you hit 18.



they have already worked out what is worth the time by then

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