Friday, January 8, 2010

If you could give advice to the future generation what would it be?

Slow down, smell the roses. Relax. Don't worry about things you can't control. Things tend to work out on their own. If no one is going to die, then it isn't that important. No matter what happens in life, the only way you can be a failure is if you give up.If you could give advice to the future generation what would it be?
Take back the freedom that is yours by birth. Be warned though, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.If you could give advice to the future generation what would it be?
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Stay out of the sun.

Sorry about that totalitarian, conservative government. We voted our powers away in the early part of the 21st century. Just say your prayers as required by the state religion, say and do only things that are sanctioned by your leaders, and you'll be fine.
Trite but valid. What you do [the single individual] today is tomorrow's society.
#1 No matter how cool or hip it may seem, avoid drugs, tobacco and alcohol at all cost. Those things harm your body, cloud your judgment and steal all your hard earned money. Many a person has had a fatal or life-crippling accident because they were stoned or drunk. And there is no denying all the evidence that tobacco is bad for your health.

#2 Wait till you are married to engage in sex. If you have no control or just don't respect yourself, at least use protection during sex. Don't give me that, ';You are just too old fashioned nonsense';, because I have seen many people suffer life long problems from having sex before marriage. Unwanted pregnancies from which one of the couple disappears. (No strings attached) STD's, some of them cause infertility, some kill you.

#3. GET AN EDUCATION. In this world, you have to have a good education or you will not land a decent paying job. Money isn't everything but being poor sucks big time.

#4 Be Honest In All You Do. That way people will learn they can trust you. Even the little ';white lies'; detract from your credibility. Don't tell them.
Now , a lot of young people just do whatever they want to do without thinking the consequenses . that is what parents are worrying about and why more and more people going to make mistakes. but if you give them advice i think there will be less people making mistakes. before they are doing something your advice will be inside their heart. they will think carefully before they are going to do. so that will decrease the numbr of chance to go to the wrong side. so i think there will be a good influence on the future generation if you could give them advice . such as avoid making friend with those peole who has a bad influence on them. working and studying hard is the only way to has a happy life in the future. how to be a hamble and courteous person. how to respect others...
Do not get into debt.

I've never been, and those near me who are... are limited in many ways by it. It is important to be mobile.

Also, the other thing to note is that one should learn how to take care of basic maintenance and repairs by oneself. We might be facing situations where we will not be able to afford house repairs, or be able to go ut to eat. In such situations, it is good to be knowledgable, and *be prepared.*
To be who you are and not be swayed by peer pressure. I think kids now days are so into what others think of them that will do just about anything to be accepted. I think peer presure accounts for alot of teenage pregnancy and STDs as well as drug use and violence. Think of how much easier your teenage years would of been if you were 100% confident in yourself and really didn't care what your friends thought. How much crap would you have avoided? Would your life be different now?
Don't screw it up worse then we did...
To the guys: Worry less about getting laid and more about learning a marketable skill.

To the girls: Don't do what your mothers did.
TV or whatever they will have tends to rot the soul of a generation into lump-less fools who will believe whatever they are told. One source is not truth - it is opinion.

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