The timing is right %26amp; the person is ready to hear the greatest Truth you know or the greatest advice you have to offer concerning Spirituality as you understand it.
What is that Truth or advice?
Thank you for answering.
Blessings!What would be your greatest advice you would give or could give to anyone concerning their Spirituality?
I recollect one of the Zen masters version and I feel it is apt to fit to this question.
Normally Zen masters don’t stay in a place more than a day, don’t leave their trace anywhere etc.
When the Zen master crossed a toll gate he was asked for toll and Zen master didn’t have anything to pay. The toll collector at last asked Zen master to at least write his theory in the Register. Zen master wrote ;
“Whatever I have conceived cannot be interpreted by my mind properly.
Whatever my mind interpreted cannot be written my hand properly.
Whatever my hand written here cannot be understood by a reader in the same manner my hand has written.
Whatever the reader understood cannot be transformed by him to the others.
Whatever others heard will totally be different from what I have conceived.”
my greatest advice is to experience spirituality by yourself in the journey than hearing from others.What would be your greatest advice you would give or could give to anyone concerning their Spirituality?
Always regard a power greater than yourself is the reason you are here, It can be God or natural selection or chemistry, that part does not matter as much as it matters that the force is organized and greater than we are.
In your mind day be grateful to that power and look to it for inspiration, it will eventually guide you to where you are going.
Always say please and thank you, be kind even if you do not feel like it, learn all you can about spirituality, and realize the Faith of the Agnostic is the only Faith that approaches being subjective.
With all proof, to claim to know is still to lie, so do the best you can to not stop growing spiritually and realize there is always more to learn.
Hello. The following is what I think I would say at this specific moment...
I see spirituality as a changing and evolving thing. Intangible yet can be affected by almost anything. Immortal yet vulnerable throughout the course of a person's life. First of all, don't take what I say to be fact unless you so choose. I have seen religions turn violent and bloody. Scorn families and races alike. Linking spirituality into religion, as people often do, can cause an outbreak of close-minded people and massive amounts of dependence by the people themselves on that religion or belief. I have seen both God-believers and Atheists be one-sided and dependent on those beliefs. I would advise, first of all, that you follow what you choose at any time so that it makes you happy. Believe or feel not for others but for yourself. Almost all religions or beliefs, that I've seen, regarding spirituality, deities, or a strict set of rules seem, to me, to have poignant downsides directed at an adversary of sorts or limiting the living experience. Devout christians often preach against atheists and ';sinners';. I've seen atheists that jump at the chance to disprove my beliefs or ';prove'; that there is no God. People who believe in God ';make'; him into something with rules and hate, similar to humans ironically enough. Those in disbelief don't seem that they could have it in any other way. Whether spiritual or not, each has lived in misery over their own ';opposition'; when both can coexist. They can do so because, even if people disagree, to me they are opinions and ideas. How do you prove the definition of ';faith';? How do you put what cannot be proven into an equation? By believing that you can. By making a choice to do so and putting it into reality as you see fit. I will influence you only if you believe in yourself because that's what I want you to do. I see spirituality as immortal yet vulnerable. I see it used for violence and healing alike. I've seen people who cannot invision it any other way than their own for no other reason than that ';I'm wrong';. As if such a thing were truly possible... For me personally, I believe that there is a God. But, I'm willing to admit that I could be wrong in every belief. The way I've experienced it, if you're willing to admit that you might be, if even in the smallest acknowledgeable possibility, wrong about something that cannot be proven, then you can be open to almost anything because you've given it a chance. That is my advice to you (insert person's name here with sincerity). Follow it if you will or garner nothing you see that won't bring you gain. Thank you for asking me my opinion and my belief. Good luck to you in your quest. Now...what is your opinion?';
(To the reader) In my opinion Truth is an opinion and any truth is subjective or debatable. Advice to me is when a person is giving another information about something that they see value in or know about, be it personal opinion or otherwise. Good bye and Thank you for asking.
P.S- I would just like to say I really enjoyed this question! Also, I don't know ';What or who is Conqueror?';. Good bye.
I now believe that every person is divinely guided every step of the way, so for me to ';advice'; them would be highly presumptuous of me, as if I know any better, or that God cannot handle their journey well, as he handles mine.
So when ever someone asks me for an advice, I request them to listen to their own inner voice...The greatest advice comes our way through inspiration.
The greatest words one person can give another is the gospel.
I Cor. 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, IF you hold fast that word which I preached to you -- unless you believed in vain. *3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, *4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,
Realize the Truth on your own with the guidance of some Realized Person and with that help (that is realization) purify your mind %26amp; remove all the imprints of sins acquired through various births. Realizing the cause and effect always do good things which should not result in to painful to the the self or others in the present or future.
As you so rightly say, the timing has to be right and the person has to be really wanting to hear.
It is only then that it will have any meaning for them or will strike any note.
But I am not sure if words are the best way to convey the message ...
Just by our way of being and our actions and way of speaking in every day life we can subtly give unspoken spiritual advice to a person.
They see the benefits we gain from our spirituality and they want to be, and feel like us, too.
If it had to be words, then I would perhaps tell them that to gain peace of mind they will first need to begin to look on all things with unconditional love and openmindedness.
This would be a first good step to help clear the mind of all it's clutter, and once the mind is clearer then spirit can begin to act in that person.
In all love,
The truth can not be spoken, it can only be heard.
The truth does not exist in knowledge it is only realized.
The teacher only points to it, the student must open their eyes to see. No guru can see through your eyes.
Greatest advice? That is different for different students.
For a newborn the mother gives milk. The greatest advice for them is to give them unconditional love. Unconditional love is the foundation of all bliss.
As the child grows stronger the mother gives solid food. The greatest advice for them comes from sharing the Holy Text.
As the child grows the mother gives to eat a verity of foods. The child is taught of the oneness of God and how everyone and everything is an aspect of God shinning for him to see.
As the child approaches adult hood the mother may introduce spicy, rich foods. The teaching moves to how there is no independent deity, person, spirit or thing outside of God. God is all and God is good all of the time.
As the child digest this he is fed the food of the key to the door. If love is all and love is everyone (John Lennon), then he (the child) can not judge anyone as evil. This knowing is the basis of the commandment ';Do not judge';. Those who know, do not judge. Not to obey a commandment but the ';knowing'; manifest the state of consciousness where judging evil does not exist.
Then the food which is the sustenance of heaven, righteousness. Righteousness is not found in deed but within. It is the state of one who does not know sin or evil.
This food is:
Hear no evil.
Speak no evil.
See no evil.
This is the state of Adam and Eve before eating of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
It is the state of one who understands the teaching of the remission of sin by faith, where not only is ones own personal sin is removed from the mind, but also all other(s) sin and evil is removed from the mind by faith.
It is the righteousness of God spoken of when God causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. He is not a respecter of persons.
We are saved by Gods grace when we extend that Grace to all others. For all others are God as he reveals himself to us.
In this we see the answer that Jesus gave when asked what was the greatest commandment.
He Said:
Mathew 22:
36Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38This is the first and great commandment.
39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
This is the entire teaching. All else is but commentary.
Blessings and peace to all,
All in all,
';God loves you.';
Some people try to scare people into faith by telling them that they are going to hell and some such. But that is SO insignificant in comparison with the statement above.
It is unfortunately not enough to know what the words mean, you also have to realize the consequences of those words. -WOW
Second to that would be that God also loves everyone else. This helps your relationships with other people.
If I thought this over for a few hours I might come up with something better but this is what first shoots to mind:
Nobody is afraid to look for the truth, people are only afraid to find it.
You have a choice, everything can be beautiful or it can be ugly. The truth is what you make it. (sort of cryptic cause I'm still learning myself)
edit: I tried to think of what I'd tell my own kids, gotta tell 'em something.
Begin your walk of faith by praying to God and asking Him to forgive you of your sin and transgression. Then, take the next step and pray for guidance and wisdom, then, the next step would be into the time and place of which he gives you answers to questions, blessings, etc. Pray and thank Him for His blessing.
Always pray and never give up hope.
God bless, my friend.
One should first try to eliminate the prejudices one has in him/her.
The EGO shall be eradicated .This is the most difficult thing.But most essential.Do not think that you are doing any thing.Whatever you does as per inner voice is done by HIM.Or just think that whatever that has been done has been offered at the feet of the LORD.
';Spiritual journey is not about information and knowledge, positive mental attitude or basic awareness.
Instead it is about trust, intuition, self-healing, creativity, expression, purpose, universal laws and spirituality.
The journey is about becoming and expressing your essence.';
Hear the Word and Stay in the Word. Isaiah 55:6 ';Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.';
find a meditatoin you like to do, do it each day for one hour, twice a day. do that for the rest of your life until there is nothing left to transform. have your meditation checked every 3-6 months, by someone authentic -- re who has effective meditation, and be willing to adjust it as necessary.
Spirituality is never individual... Nor collective! Spirituality is one and only one! Knowing the essence of spirit within us... our soul atman within is what spirituality is all about! Realizing the fact that it is our soul atman that is on its cosmic journey of 8.4 million manifestations... an earthly life cycle of 96.4 million years... Is traversing the path of spirituality!
Every moment... human beings live two lives... one by the manifest physical form that is more interested in religion than spirituality! And other by our soul atman... the real self of us! Knowing the inner domain... the essence of our soul atman... is diving deep into the bottomless pit of wisdom contained in the Sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism!
Spirituality can never be understood better than assimilating the words of wisdom contained in the Sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism. To reach the end of spirituality... is reaching the end of cosmic life... gaining enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha). This can only be achieved by traveling the spiritual path... never religion!
When 11 years of age... I wanted to know God! By 13 years... I had firmed up my decision... come whatever may... in present life itself I shall see and meet God! With none to guide... no preceptor in sight, I started traveling the uncharted path of spirituality all alone. Scary at times... my faith in God under no circumstances ever dwindled!
25 years of yoga meditation... I finally realized God in 1993 at 37 years of age. It is an experience that can never be expressed in words. I have reached the end goal of spirituality... the 8.4 millionth manifestation!
In the initial stages of my life I realized... traveling the path of absolute truthfulness was an essential must. Since six years of age... I have traversed the path of absolute truthfulness under all circumstances of life. Coupled with absolute faith in God Almighty... I continued my search for God.
One day I realized that the voice of my soul atman that seem to come from within my heart always prompted me on the right path. There was nothing to lose... by maintaining the path of absolute truthfulness... I gave way to the promptings of my soul atman from within! This expedited my spiritual journey... I had now an excellent guide with me.
Realizing that absolute control over the five senses and the mind was necessitated... I slowly put a taboo on my bad habits. Slowly I curtailed all. Finally I established absolute control over five senses and the mind. Practicing absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation... I finally awakened my Kundalini.
The Kundalini Shakti that lay dormant in the base of spine needs to be activated by practice of absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation. One single mistake... the whole process has to be repeated again! Sage Vishwamitra on the sight of a lonely woman taking part in forlorn circumstances in deep dense forests (jungles) lost self... he had to repeat the practice of celibacy all over again.
There are no shortcuts on the path of celibacy! The awakening of the Kundalini is an essential must for reaching the stage of enlightenment and salvation. In present times... practicing absolute truthfulness, establishing absolute control over five senses and the mind, practicing absolute celibacy for a minimum period of police in continuation is very difficult... but not impossible!
May God bless all traveling the spiritual path! More on spirituality-…
There is no need to advise to such a person. we have to show him the source from where we have received some thing and guide when he needs it.
Tel him that on worldly level you may be lonely but on spiritual level your teachers will be their to help you through your intuition.
Trust yourself and your teachers they will never let you down 11th hour you will get help. hold on like rock unmoved.
Love yourself unconditionally, love others unconditionally, love all that exists in God's creation unconditionally. Even if you don't believe in God(s), you are fully capable of unconditional love. Whether or not you choose to use that capacity is a function of your free will. Best wishes!
DO what works for YOU, do the best that you possibly can at it and give it and everything else your full and unconditional love and you can't possibly go wrong. Then let everyone else do the same, and celebrate it together in love.
Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green Witch
breathe deep...
and 'remember' our Beloved Creator.
';Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed,
Or the golden bowl is broken,
Or the pitcher is shattered at the fountain,
Or the wheel broken at the well.
Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,
And the spirit will return to God who gave it.'; Ecclesiastes 12:6-7
La ilaha ill Allah. [There is none but God] [3:18].[2:115]
much respect and love...
Look...just attention to the unremarkable... leave all the words, concepts, techniques and processes behind...breathe...notice the space between and underneath what is... always come back to this...and let the greater intelligence that emanates from deep within inspire and lead you.
LOVE is the answer.
When you think, think thoughts of LOVE.
When you speak, speak words of LOVE.
When you do anything, do it with LOVE.
LOVE all and everything around you.
You need to know no more.
I am that I am
trust yourself and ask yourself quietly what you need in your life and it will be shown to you....I think we all know the key to our own happiness, we just need to listen and honor it with the truth, cuz if u live in truth, you honor yourself.
as we r aware about property of spirit (volatile) so is our inner spirit
as soon as it comes in contact with outer world it is lost .So according to me spirirtuality is nothing but to listen to your own spirit so that it may not lost in charm of outer world ...........
Hold unto the Spirit, and never let it go! No matter what obstacles you might face, or bad decisions, wrong choices you make, believe in the power of Mercy and LOVE..don't ever give up, even when you feel defeated!
The best advice I would give someone about their ideology is this:
A person's Spirituality is the theatre of their soul, for no thinker can achieve much without knowing their first duty is to follow their intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead.
Clear criteria for deciding what can be claimed based on your experiences is as important as the experiences themselves. This would rule out almost all of the New Age nonsense, and most major religions.
';Kill the Desire by the Holy Cross';
Our self is the conqueror !
Self realisation is the ultimate 'Salvation'
I would just give him/her a cd by the police with their song, *Spirit in the materail world*
Trust in God!
With the situation today, progressively becoming worse by the day, I would say, do say; ';Stay 'focused' on God, not all the ';drama'; being played out in the world!';
Be safe with Faith!
Spirituality is not weirdness or spookiness —…
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