It could be regarding anything, the more the merrier! thank you! please type it in bullet points or whatever seems easiest for you, a list is always nice.Best advice ever given to you?
-Faith without works is dead
-Do the work, get the results.
-Don't do the work, get the results from that.
Best advice ever given to you?
Be the best that you can be and ask better for yourself because in life you only have to please yourself, It's about you but it's not, Live life till death, be happy, people can make you feel good but can feel bad about yourself, save your money and invest it, know what you want to do in life, you are important, exercise, take care of yourself, work for your goals, you're bright and smart but you can expand your learning, and If I tell you all of the advices I heard in my life, I be giving you 5 LISTS! LOL=]!
Best advice given me was from my dad... he used to take me with him when he had to make a court appearance, (he was a Police Officer and often had to make arrest) and he'd point out things to me and say things like, ';If you never smoke a cigarette, then you'll never become addicted to nicotine. Never take the first drink and you'll never become an alcoholic.'; I took his advice.
My High School teacher said, ';Never date a guy you wouldn't marry.'; Good advice.
My advice that I pass on to you is, ';No heavy making out until after the wedding ceremony.';
its when my friend processing her annulment papers.
i asked her;
do u know why so many marriages do not last?
she said i dont know.
i told her,,
because at the wedding the bride doest marry the ';BEST MAN';
she laugh and she said yes its now i realized.. @_@
-';you're boyfriend is a d-bag... leave him';--my bff, and she was correct
-';Above all, be carefull with the mower, it's unforgiving and has no remorse for cutting off your fingers or feet.'; -- my father telling me about the dangers of the lawn mower
actions speak louder than words
only you represent and know yourself
if it doesn't feel right, don't do it
if in doubt, don't go out
a man who loves you, will move mountains to get to you
If your friends are going to give **** about you and who you want to date, move on.
true love waits.
keep trying, and you'll get what you wanted
Life is short, do what ever you can as long as it doesn’t require bail money I there with you. My mommy gave me this one :o)
Live happy let live others happy....
never trust a man with a van lol actually never trust a man at all
- You have one life to live so do what you want.
- Don't be optimistic or pessimistic. Be realistic.
Stay away from Yahoo Answers.....obviously I did not listen and I pay for it every day.
Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
Judge not, before you judge yourself
Be true to yourself
it's not really an advice but it's cool : a man is not worth your tears,the one whose worth it will not make u cry
wrap your meat before you deliver
just say **** it
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