Thursday, December 31, 2009

What advice would you give a child about having sex?

what wuld u tell ur son or daughter and wha advice wuld u give them about sexuality?What advice would you give a child about having sex?
For kids age 14 and under I'll tell them don't do it (PERIOD)

For Kids age 15 to 17 I'll tell them use a condom and don't get pregnant or don't get them pregnant.

For 18 and older they can make their own decisions on how and when to have sex.What advice would you give a child about having sex?
Wait, till you're 18 ! Thats early enough !

:- )
If i had a kid. i would tell him/her to Use protection and do it when your ready.
As a parent myself I feel the best protection is knowledge. If we teach our children and educate them on what is normal at their age, they are able to figure out what is not and if there is a problem come to you.

I would not advocate my child having sex, of course we all know that at some point there is a good chance they will, but on their terms and when they are emotionally ready which usually isn't until they are in there late 20's. lol

If our children are informed about their bodies and feel comfortable concerning them.

When they become young adults and those hormones are raging they will practice self-love aka masturbation and not look to others to full fill their needs but themselves.
Don't do it until they get married.
Dont share toys
abstinence is best. you wont get std's or get pregnant.

tell them to wait til they are atleast 18.

just say what you think honestly

But seriously, 1) man+woman+sex=BABY, Always, no exceptions.

2) Over 105% of the population has AIDs.

3) Sex is VERY painful and usually kills people.

And then as they get older, I'd probably tell them the truth. =D
I would need an age of the child before I can give an answer. A child needs an age appropriate answer. If they are coming to you with questions and they are under 13, then I would be as honest as I could be and just answer the question. After age 13, then I think they need ';the talk.'; With my kids we told them the reasons people have sex, oury opinion about waiting, but I gave them all the information on safe sex because I feel they needed to protect themselves against diseases and pregnancy, should they decide to go against our advice. Safety is foremost with us.
Use protection. Don't do it. I don't know, I don't have kids. I'm still at the age where I should be getting the advice. Ha ha.
It's normal to think about it, and you'll probably hear your friends talk about it. The reason we don't want you to, is because it's a serious thing, that could kill you if you're not careful, and mess you up if you're not ready. And if it's a young girl you're talking about, tell her about all the mind games boys play to get it.
It depends on what questions my child asked me. If I had a child that didn't ask questions or tell me about their live I think as a mom I would put a condom where they could find it so they would talk to me. That would certainly get their attention and I could tell them : I don't want to know if you are or not but if you are please use protection. I would rather you not be doing anything but if you have questions you can ask.

Right now my children have an open relationship with me but she and he are not very old but she does ask questions and I always try to answer them.
don't do it.
i was told that i was trusted. if i really wanted to have sex and was sure! then it was okay to do it, but only if i was safe, let your kid know its okay, everyones going to do it, not at 13! but around 16 everyone is open to it, you cant watch your kid 24/7 or know if they go behind your back, but if worst came to worse, you'd wanna be there for them right? not have them hide it from you because you said ';NO!'; and they messed up :]

hope it helps.
one of my best friends had sex in fifth grade she got pregnant and died just tell them not to do it.
I Would tell them not to do it at such an early age. Then I would tell them the consequences that come with it.The benefits of not having sex like energie, straight the joy of your fresh sanity.The joy of waiting and how much better it would be to wait. Then if its to late I would give them all the heads ups about diseases and pregnancies, stress.Then I would say good night and snick out for some cooled ones a couple if you know what I mean.
This is a good site to look over...

It has information for guys and girl.s.
Umm dont have sex and if you do use condoms and if you get pregnant its your own dumb *** fault
depends on the age

teenager be graphic about OTHER ISSUES besides a possiable baby and hope they listen

younger be age appropicate
Everything. The Truth and the whole truth.

Use a condom every time.

Condoms break

If you can't afford a baby you shouldn't take the risk

Highschool love almost never last forever

Pulling out is not a safe way to prevent babies because of precum

Many people have an STD and don't know it so use a condom

Use a latex condom because membrane condoms can transmit disease

It feels good

Sex isn't love

If your parents catch you, you are grounded forever.

If her parents catch you, you might go to jail for statatory rape.

No, means no

Sex with drunk women is rape if she says so in the morning.

What advice would you give to a friend who just lost a...?


It was a tragic accident at his work I guess, he is missing a leg!What advice would you give to a friend who just lost a...?
Say, atleast you can hop on the other foot!What advice would you give to a friend who just lost a...?
I'm not sure he needs advice from you, but he would probably appreciate support. The advice would probably be better if given by someone who has been there.

What about offering him rides when he needs them, or doing some of the physical stuff, until he gets his prosthesis on?
don't give advice when you know nothing about the problem...just be a friend and be there for him to talk or just hangout and listen to him

What advice did you get from your father or mother that you would like to pass on to your kids?

I find that parents give a lot of advice and mine did as well. The ones you would like to pass on to your kids are the ones that have had the most impact.What advice did you get from your father or mother that you would like to pass on to your kids?
Always believe in yourself and never give up on what you really want. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.What advice did you get from your father or mother that you would like to pass on to your kids?
My mother has taught me alot.. she will always be my role model and one of the things she has taught me is that i should work hard so i dont have to depend on anyone..
No matter how hard things get money wise attempt to get yourself out of your own money messes. Once you are successful in doing so you will appreciate your success and take better care for your stuff.
';Where theres life theres hope.'; no matter how bad things get and how messed up things are that as long as your alive theres a chance to turn things around. To never give up hope. That's what it means to me.
The best advice my mom ever gave me was when I was entering Middle School. She told me that soon a lot of girls would be more concerned about their clothes, their looks, and what's ';cool'; than what's really important. She told me to always be true to myself and do what is right. I think that this was really good advice to a girl going into 7th grade and it has always stuck with me.
For next generation its important to teach them about manners!!!

and most important!!

never give away ur virginity to anyone...but only for special one!!!!
MY mom's fav advise was to be myself and if the guys didnt like me for that then screw and my dads fav was IF he loves you he would wait for you to be ready for sex. Both kept me from screwing up my life
1. Once my cousin said about my dad ';If uncle promises something, I know he would do it.'; I wish my children could hear that about myself and be proud of me.

2. My parents believed in me a lot. I am trying to be as supportive to my own children as they were to me.
I remember when I was really little, maybe four years old, I was crying because I was afraid of god. I was afraid of dying, and I was afraid of what would happen to me, and my family when it happened.

So I went to my dad, in the middle of the night, and he said something to me that I'll never, ever forget.

';I can't save you. You can only save yourself.';

It may sound irrelevant, but I think I understand what my dad meant that day. Religiously, I can only save myself. I cannot blame the path of my life entirely on others. I should take responsibility for my life, in total.

That's the one thing my dad ever said that I would pass on to my kids.
never keep that fear of striking out keep u out of the game

all is fair in love and war
My Father-

Always be honest with people and tell the truth no matter the cost.

It is important to try new foods atleast one time.

If you never take a risk you will never know.

College is important.

My Mother

When life gets rough you just have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Treat others how you want to be treated.

Trust in the Lord and he will take care of your needs.

Slow down and enjoy things life.

Life is not a race to be won.

Never let the sun go down on your anger.

Always turn the other cheek (this one drove me nuts!!)

Tame your tongue. If you have nothing nice to say you don't say anything at all.

Don't hold grudges in your heart. Forgive others.

The Biggy!! Always wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident-haha.

My Father and expecially my Mother being from the South had so many funny sayings, but I took to heart all she had to say while she was alive. Now I can pass these good things down to my own daughter and hope that she can pass them down too.

Worrying never got you anywhere
Never use circumstances in your life or your past to define yourself. Instead use those as learning experiences to become a better you and always strive to be the best that you can.
i will allways love you
none of it
Why waste your time hating someone when that person doesn't even know it
never ask someone to do something taht u can do yourself
';Be the best one at whatever you do. I don't care if you're sweeping floors, you be the best damn floor sweeper there is.'; - my Grandaddy
I would like to pass the thing of being there exactly on time and honesty as well.
People essentially don't change - not who they are inside.

You can't argue with barking dogs, just let them bark (meaning people who rant and rant about nothing and with no intelligence, and not even bothering to argue with them.)

Things always end up working themselves out in the end, and usually for the best, even if we don't think so at the time.
If you can count, count on yourself. Change your underwear daily as you never know if you're not gonna be in an accident (old but good one!) Don't go anywhere with strangers even if they promise you ......(fill in the blank).
You're never smarter than your parents.

Every few years I realize how true that is.
';If talking is sliver, then silence in gold';

My mom always knew I'm a bigmouth.
You are judged by the company you keep. That means if a friend of yours is doing drugs and you don't want to. People will think you are doing them too, even though you're not.
';never leave a knife in a woman's hand, she's not a wonder she's a blunder'; my mom.
mine would have to be honey dont grow up likes us, dont smoke or drink or marry some punk @$$ man but my mom never said tht thank god cus her and my dad rock!!!! i kno everyone will HAVE to pass down ';the talk'; tho lol

If you have completed a doctoral dissertation, please advice on pointers of vthe to do's and don'ts.?

Guidelines on what saved you time, etc. Thanks.If you have completed a doctoral dissertation, please advice on pointers of vthe to do's and don'ts.?
At the time this happened, I was a little resentful, but my major professor and another person on my committee chose my topic for me. In the long run that was better because I wasn't emotionally vested in my topic and just did whatever they told me to do! I have a friend who took her written comps at the same time I did five years ago, and she's still not finished with her dissertation - more about that below.

They also picked a topic that was fairly new, so I didn't have a very long literature review, which saved me a lot of time. The friend I mentioned above has been held up by her lit review; she keeps finding more and more sources that she wants to use, but you finally reach a point where you have to decide enough is enough. That's where a good major professor comes in; hers isn't very good!

I hope you have selected a major professor like mine who was well-organized and paid attention to details. I did everything he told me to do; I didn't question him - I just did it. It was more important to me to finish than to be assertive. (I was hired ABD and given a one-year timeline to finish or not get renewed.) I am very proud of the fact that I completed my entire doctoral program in 22 months and wrote and defended my dissertation in six months' time. I couldn't have done that if I had bucked the system the whole time like some people do who think they have something to prove. Just do what you are told and it will go a lot faster/smoother! Plenty of time to do what you want AFTER you get the degree!

I also let my major professor choose my committee members. I've heard horror stories about committee members who don't get along; I figured if he picked them, he would choose people he gets along witih - no ego fights on my committee!!! It took them about five minutes after my defense to decide that I had passed! I had very few corrections to make afterwards, too!

As for the writing...I'll be was the hardest thing I've ever done. I really had to make myself buckle down and write every day. Again, I had a wonderful major professor who was a great editor. If he thought something needed to be changed, I changed it!

I did hire someone to do my stats, and my committee was fine with that. He ran all of the stats they requested, but I had to be able to explain them. Fortunately, I did a survey so that wasn't too bad.

I hope that helps. Again, that was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but oh what a feeling when I was finished!

Sorry for the long answer! Good luck!If you have completed a doctoral dissertation, please advice on pointers of vthe to do's and don'ts.?
Write an outline. Then fill it out a little. Then the whole thesis just feels like you're filling in the gaps. Trust me, it goes a lot faster.

What advice what you give to a friend that is stuck in a love triangle with two guys?

My friend is in a relationship with a 27 year old and she's only 17. He never says it but always implies that he wouldn't be wasting his time if he didn't love her. He's givin her money before to buy herself clothing and paid for certain trips so she would be able to visit him. But they have always been on a up and down scale. From ';I'll never leave you'; to ';I really don't want you and you need to stop calling me';. But's that's from both. We work together and I've seen a change in her, and I couldn't tell whether or not it's a good or bad thing from the way she approaches. She finally tells me that her ex boyfriend who she really did love entered her life and wants to be with her. He's such a gentle man and has so much respect for her. But she does want to sacrifice anything right now or be played with because it can be a possibility she wants to get back with her recent other (Don't know why). But she can't stop thinking about her ex. Her boyfriend has a control on her emotions. But..What advice what you give to a friend that is stuck in a love triangle with two guys?
~Wow. It sounds like a tough situation. Personally I think that if she is only 17.. she should maybe think about sticking to her own age... although age is just a number, it's different when you are 17. Isn't the 27 year old kinda afraid of going to jail? One thing she shouldn't do is lead the 2 on and cheat. It happened to me back when I was 19 and it really blew up in my face. The two guys were friends... and then after they found out... I was still talking to both of them and I hurt them both and ended up losing them both. It is best to just be with one person otherwise, be open and honest to both of them. I wish her luck. She's only 17 though, plenty of growing up to do.~What advice what you give to a friend that is stuck in a love triangle with two guys?
Sounds lik she don't have no control on her emotions. She needs 2 decide on this tough not u. U might get a little 2 far in the situation.
Your friend should probably not be with either of these. If she had feelings of love, respect etc for either she wouldn't want to see others. If she wants to date more than one guy that is fine but she needs to be honest with both. She also needs to be careful because she is a minor and could get in 'statutory rape' trouble with the guy who wants to be her 'daddy' and give her money. Ask her to write down the pluses and minuses of each and figure out if she *really* wants to be with either.
Well. Who ever she really loves is the one she should be with. She can't be in a love triangle because she will be screwed it the guys find out and break up with her and then she will have no one. So she has to pick one.
Your friend should sleep with them both
can u say D.P
  • makeup help
  • What is it called when you give good advice?

    its hard to explain but i think it might be that i have good morales? im not sure how to explain what i have if i give good advice or something like that but i just want to know for some reasonWhat is it called when you give good advice?
    waymar476 of courseWhat is it called when you give good advice?
    a Mentor maybe?

    After all that you have experienced, what advice would you give a young person?

    That every day comes to an end. Whether good or bad, time passes. Let go of what doesn't matter, hold on to what does.After all that you have experienced, what advice would you give a young person?
    stay true to yourself and dont give up on your dreams just because someone told you that they were unreachable.After all that you have experienced, what advice would you give a young person?
    Demand respect! Have zero tolerance for disrespect!
    Be yourself

    Mix with those you call positive
    i would try to instill good values by example and also stress to them that knowledge is power. life is a learning process and we should keep that in mind throughout our entire lives.
    always wipe from front to back,,,,:)
    1. Obey the Laws.

    2. Avoid Drama - it's not needed and it will just create tension internally and externally.

    3. Have Fun - try to enjoy everything that you do, you only get one ride on this coaster.

    4. Love your friends and keep them close - they are the ones that will be there when you need support. if they are not, they are not your friends.

    5. Love your family more
    Don't get caught in consuming goods at an early age,work save and invest, and by the time you're thirty to thirty five you could do all those things you wanted to and more.
    don't do drugs the effects of years of use are not very nice. learn a trade so you can take of yourself. don't let anyone talk you into anything, your parents are doing the best they know how to, when you get older you'll see that they are human, try to get along with your siblings so you can be friends as adults. sometimes i wish i could go back and do it over but i cant so on i go. and remember this too shall pass
    just experience d life........n dont bother abt anything so much.........d moment u lost, u cant get it again, so deal every moment smartly n cheerfully........think a while but not so much b4 taking any decision.........dont hurt anyone......make happy others n more importantly urself.
    Don't give up, don't give in.

    Life is not bad, but it's not easy.

    Adults really do know more than you do.

    Adults already know what you are up to--they did it when they were your age.

    You are the future, act like it.

    Learn all you can while you are young. You'll remember it better, and even if it seems pointless today, when you have kids of your own, you can help them with their homework.

    Love, laugh, and live. It's what will help you get through the day.

    Don't sweat anything. It all fades away with time.

    Please don't feel distressed to the point of depression. There is always someone out there to help you out.

    Love is the electricity of the soul - the only energy-replenishing thing and that which makes life fun and worth living. Learn how to love, and what impedes love.

    Also, you can't turn off aspects of reality by declaring yourself immune to them or above them. Hurtful things DO hurt, and your reputation matters to you and how you are seen by others, all those things do matter. If you hurt others or act like a prick, you'll feel like a prick - that or you'll feel nothing -

    those things.
    Just do not daunt, keep going ahead.
    Wisdom is realizing that you don't really know anything.
    well i am still young but after wat i've done in my past i would just tell all youngsters to get there education n not get out of school n for the young girls dont get carried away with a boy all they do is going 2 mess u up in ur school u cant concentrate right so just stay in school n dont drop out its the best wen u kno u have a sucessful life
    Take time for solitude, and listen to that voice inside you. It is the voice of infinite wisdom. You have it with you always, and you are never, ever alone.
    Know Thyself.

    Wear sunscreen and floss.
    Oh, there's so much!!! I suppose number one would be take care of your health, and most especially, don't let yourself get fat. Morbid obesity is a snowball effect (go ahead and deal with the puns there), where the heavier you get, the harder it is to get exercise, and the more depressed you get which makes you eat for ';comfort,'; and you get even less exercise, and on and on until your body is out of control and you hate yourself. Pulling out of that pit is a very big job.

    Second, learn to love to learn. Use your brain, use it for the sheer pleasure of finding you really do understand something you thought when you started was beyond you. Read things that take concentration, and watch non-fiction on TV and DVD at least as much as fiction.

    Learn to see things with a skeptical eye. Don't believe everything you see or hear. Test it, reason about it, question it, mull it over in your own mind and talk it over with others whose judgment you respect.

    Don't take any notice of IQ scores. All they tell you is how well you take IQ tests, and almost nothing about how that correllates with any other ability.

    As Dumbledore said, ';It's our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.';

    Learn about ethics and morals, and take seriously the idea that you need to make your own decisions and accept the consequences. Don't try to put the blame on anyone else, even if you think they are at least partially responsible. Just learn from your mistakes, and whenever possible, learn from other people's mistakes so you don't have to make them. (That's why I started with my mistake from which you can learn.)

    Don't forget to laugh and smile and hear the music.

    And still, ';The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.'; (Nature Boy)
    Give all you got. When something goes horribly wrong just keep walking.

    But the most important is, it's not all that important,

    keep a light heart.
    First I would say, keep on open mind and be ready to accept ideas that don't always agree with yours.

    Respect others and they will respect you.

    Don't be too high and mighty, be big enough to apologise if you are in the wrong, and be ready to ask for advice when its needed.

    Don't be a poor loser or a gloat when you win.

    Put the work in when you are young and you will benefit as you get older.

    Look after your health - its one of your first responsibilities.

    Finally remember this old saying - if you lay down with dogs you will get up with fleas - in other words surround yourself with good people.
    Don't fart in public.
    Well I don't know how young you are but, file this away for when it's appropriate:

    Don't wait until you're ';ready'; to have kids. You'll never be ready.

    Peace to you.

    Oh, and be careful when you're unwinding a strand of 100,000 firecrackers...especially when someone else is blowing off things around you.
    If you see something you want, go get it. Don't wait.
    believe in yourself, be true to it and to your dreams, and don't worry about what others may think of you..

    know that you will face tough times, and don't let them make you give up, for you can be sure you have the power and strength within you to achieve what your heart desires..

    but remember, you can't always walk that path alone..
    I personally find it gets easier as i get older. Probably because you stop worrying about nonsense that doesn't matter, which is quite a high percentage of life.
    Seek advice from older people. Everyone has gone through what you have.
    Don't worry so much about what other people think of you, because in about five years, all of that won't matter one bit.
    Prepare yourself, when opportunity comes, if you are not ready to take it, you lost.

    For adult women: What's the best advice you can give to a teenage girl?

    What's something that you wish you could tell to teenage girls these days? Or maybe it's something you wish someone would have told you back when you were a teenager?

    Men potentially could answer this also, I suppose.For adult women: What's the best advice you can give to a teenage girl?
    You can be whatever you like!!!!!

    Even if you have to do it on your own.For adult women: What's the best advice you can give to a teenage girl?
    Keep the lines of communication open with your parents. We know u will get up to some form of mischief but let us know so we can help.
    I would say that the teen years are very, very difficult and that I would just warn them about all the broken hearts, emotional junk, and other garbage you go through as a teen.
    respect God and Love him then you will...

    respect yourself,

    love yourself

    stay true to yourself

    wait for marriage

    and have fewer regrets
    Showing more skin doesn't make you sexier.

    It makes you sluttier.
    when me say they love you they only have one thing on there mind..
    carry a condom
    Just be yourself. Don't worry so much about what everyone else thinks about you.

    If you aren't you, who will be?
    Parents, keep your teenage daughters locked up until they are 30 away from boys. Girls, keep your legs crossed.
    Be YOU. Do not give in to peer pressure. Make your own choices.
    Someone did tell me but I didn't listen. Not to get married so young. Have some fun first or you will feel like you're missing out later.
    Do what YOU know is best,not what others tell you is best

    Dress appropriately for your age

    Its not clever to act dumb.

    Keep your legs closed(I mean that in the nicest possible way)
    Don't marry too young and make sure you love that person. Be careful of those around you and stay out of trouble. Be good and stay away from drugs. Don't smoke, eat healthy and exercise. Think about a career that you'll love and want to stay with all your life.
    don't be in a hurry to lose your virginity. you don't have to lose it to be cool or in the ';in'; crowd.

    popularity is only good in school, it gets you no where in life when you are older.

    responsibility and Independence gets you everywhere in life.

    don't wear too much make-up to early, and when you wear too much it doesn't make you attractive , it just looks fake.

    just because a guy says he loves you doesn't mean that he does. actions always speak louder than words.

    always use sunscreen no matter where you go, the sun is a woman's worst enemy it gives you wrinkles so too much sunscreen is not enough.

    more clothes leaves more to the imagination, wearing less clothes gives away all your secrets at one time.

    hope this helps!

    and good luck on your journey to becoming a woman:)
    Several things come to mind..%26gt;=)

    *Skin care...very important to moisturize and stay away from direct sunlight

    *If you must judge people,look inside not just outside

    *As you become an adult acceptance of ones piers is much easier,

    choose your friends wisely

    *Santa's spirit lives on,if you allow it to..%26gt;=)
    This is what I want someone to say to me (as a teenage girl)

    ';this manual explains it all. How to deal with guys, school, friends, popularity, the whole shitchk. have fun!';
    have a child BEFORE your 18

    this way the kids can know their parents later in their lives...

    How do you deal with loneliness? What advice would you give the lonely?

    When you don't have a love one to share your time with, what biblical scripture would comfort you in that lonely time?How do you deal with loneliness? What advice would you give the lonely?
    Psalm 16: 7-8 I will bless the lord who counsels me. you can feel your time with study of God's word and when you want a break walk through a park, beach...How do you deal with loneliness? What advice would you give the lonely?
    Someday you will find somebody and that somebody will find you. I will tell you everyday after you say your morning thankfulness to God say ';and before I end my prayer heavenly Father, I will leave it in your care to send the right man YOU want me to share my love and my life with. The man that will love and care for me just the way YOU want him too. In Jesus name, amen.'; Everyday, be consistent, be hopeful, your prayers will be answered and its guaranteed.

    God reads every heart and knows what a person seek for.
    How every one deals with loneliness is different for every one, some handle loneliness by going to support groups, or joining some kind of group be it a book club some might volunteer at hospitals or libraries.

    I go to the book store get coffee and sit by other people who seem to be friendly and strike up conversations, some times I call a friend I know that is available and meet for lunch or breakfast and hang with them a few hours.

    What scripture I would share is:

    Song of solomon chapter 2:1

    **I am a rose of sharon, a lily of the vallays.verse2: Like lilly among thosns is my darling among the maidens.**

    The L-rd sees us for our beauty inwardly not just out wardly,

    for if he could see the beauty on one lily in the middle of thorns shows how much he cares for each on of us.
    Ever since my friends from church moved to a different state, I've been trying to cope with loneliness as much as possible and do the best I can. The gospel of John is good in a case like this. I also get so much peace and contentment when I read the book of Psalms by David and the other Psalms by the prophets. As you can see, my profile nickname is Psalm 27, because that's my favorite one. 27 is the Psalm of faith.
    I would check out my local Christian Radio Station and get my pet dog and do some writing or some hobby of some kind.
    You can e-mail me.....I can talk to you!
    Some people have to be alone - rather than compromise and be like everyone else - becoming one of the flock and converted...

    However to be by yourself for long periods of time, is not good --- and so, I would recomend taking up a sport or even two. Two good ones are Volleyball and Table Tennis. With volleyball you play in a team, with Table Tennis - you tend to play by yourself against another player, although you can of course, play doubles.

    These are fun sports - you don't need a high level of fitness to start with, but can attain a better fitness level, as you progress in the sport. Plus these can be played for the greater part of your life, and are ideal for families, etc etc.

    This scripture - is the original version. It was changed into 'The Lord's Prayer' --- note the differences.

    My spirit, you exist within omnipotence.

    May your name be holy.

    May your kingdom incarnate itself within me.

    May your power unfold itself within me, on Earth and in the heavens.

    Give me today my daily bread, that I may recognize my wrongdoings and the truth.

    And lead me not into temptation and confusion, but deliver me from error.

    For yours is the kingdom within me and the power and the knowledge forever.


    Info at.. (English Discussion Forum) Use the search engine at this site..
    One is NEVER lonely if they have God
    Is there a way you can volunteer your time or efforts to help someone else who is more in need than yourself? I find that when I put all my efforts and energy in helping others, the rewards are much greater and I feel wonderful about what I've done for the person. But it's not good to stay alone too much. This is why God allow one man for one woman. HE knew this time would come when many would be alone because of the ways of the world. Best Wishes and prayers for you and the other who may come as your companion.
    psalm 23

    My sister is 17 and pregnant what advice would you give her.?

    Plz no rude comments. the father will be around but they are not together right now. She is in the process of gettting help by the government. What else should she do.My sister is 17 and pregnant what advice would you give her.?
    Make an informed, careful decision as to whether to keep the baby or notMy sister is 17 and pregnant what advice would you give her.?
    just tell her you love her and support her in her desicions. when she asks for help do the best you can.
    If she does get her GED it would be smart. So when she has the baby she can wait get used to the baby and go to college.

    check these out ASL - american sign language ( a career and a second language that would help with any career/ job she wants), realestates (in minneapolis MN it's a 2 week course check your area to become a liscensed realtor), or CNA one month course and the liscense expires if it is not used in 6 months.. those three pay excellent and are easy to obtain and for the most part are always needing more employees somewhere!
    First of all, she should read a good pregnancy book. I read ';The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy.'; and then she should read a parenting book for new moms. Pregnancy and motherhood can be scary if she doesn't know what to expect. She can check these books out for free at a local library. They will guide her on staying healthy when pregnant, what to expect when giving birth and also how to care for the baby once it is here. My friends and family members gave me plenty of advice, but none of it was comprehensive. That is what the books took care of for me.

    She should establish a care plan for once the baby is born. I was in my late 20's when I had my baby and was still not prepared for the complications that arose because of child birth. I was not physically able to care for my son once he was born and was glad to have a network of babysitters and helpers lined up.

    If she's like most people, 17 or not, she's not financially prepared to have a child. There's a few things she can do now. First off, get things the baby will need and try to resist buying too many cutesy outfits and stuffed animals. You can't change toys into diapers when you're desperate and it really stinks to need diapers and be broke. Literally. Search thrift stores (most babies grow out of newborn and 0-3 month clothing so fast, they don't get worn much so the thrift stores get lots of donations that have lots of wear left in them.) Have a baby shower and put the wish list heavy with essentials. Apply for WIC. She can apply now. Trust me, even with two working adults, we qualified for WIC and it paid for almost all of our son's formula. I didn't care much about WIC because I planned on breast feeding, but I never produced any breast milk (unforseen traumatic birth) and WIC helped with the unexpected cost of formula. Contact other women's help groups in your area to see if any can help with a crib donation, car seat donation, anything. If they don't offer any help, ask them if they know anyone that does and just call, call, call. I know it can be embarassing but that's what these places are for and just remember, it is for the baby. If she's too shy to call, enlist a bold friend or family member to track help down.She should work now if she can. It will be much harder to work after the baby comes.

    STAY IN SCHOOL or continue to follow her dreams. Mothers accomplish a lot and just because she's a young, single mom doesn't mean she can't follow her desires. She should seriously consider a career path if she hasn't already. She will need to help to support the baby.

    Try to establish/ keep a friendly relationship with the father. Unless he is a danger to the child, he's going to be a part of the child's life and your sister will just have to deal with him. No matter what he or his family is like, she will be incontact with them and trust me, it is just a lot easier to deal with the dad when you are on good terms with him. Hopefully he is helpful, willing to parent, financially able to help and able to work with your sister in raising the child on mutually agreeable terms.

    Your sister should try to stay positive and relaxed right now. People younger than your sister parent children and do a good job. She shouldn't get down on herself or let other people put her down. She should take time to do things that she enjoys now because time to herself will be scarce when the baby is born. They need lots of love and care, but having a child doesn't mean that your life will end.

    Good Luck to your sister!!!
    I would tell her, honestly, to brace herself for postpartum depression. It happens a lot more often than women like to admit. With all things like this going on in her life, being young.. not being together with the father... she'll be overwhelmed. Happy, but overwhelmed.

    When the baby is born, and all that crying starts, tell her that once she's done all she can to pacify the baby (fed him/her, changed him/her, burped him/her, etc) of the baby is still crying... tell her to put the baby in the crib on his/her back (not stomach as that can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and leave the room.

    A lot of women, especially women in hard situations like hers, feel so stressed and it's better for them to take a breather away from baby. It's better for the mother and the baby.
    do everything she can to finish school and try to better herself so she can support herself later, and not always rely on government assistance. she will be much happier with herself if she is able to be self-reliant.
    i was 17 when i fell pregnant my advice would be dont think like a young mum think like a woman who is about to raise a child me and my husband who is the father have been together now 5 years we both continued our education and did everything we could to lead a normal productive life we have money a new car a house etc all because we didnt listern to comments like your to young your lifes over etc , i recommend enjoying this time and not being stressed , you have to work harder but the rewards are worth it and in the process you learn how to live life and not give up to many people take the attitude im young its hard and give up and live horribly it never has to be that way good luck to your sister and congrats on becoming a aunty

    ADVANCED PIANISTS: Could you give me some advice on purchasing a digital piano?

    I need 88 weighted keys, plenty of polyphony, something that sounds and feels like a real piano, does not take much room and can be used with headphones. What brand or model would you recommend?ADVANCED PIANISTS: Could you give me some advice on purchasing a digital piano?
    I like my Roland but the problem is no digital piano will ever feel like a real piano. As soon as we move in to a bigger house i'm getting my baby grand back from my mom!!!ADVANCED PIANISTS: Could you give me some advice on purchasing a digital piano?
    I just recently bought a casio privia px-310. I just needed an extra keyboard for my house. It cost me about $550 at my local guitar center. I like it a lot. The sound quality is very good even without an amp.鈥?/a>

    It would be better if you had info regarding the amount you want to spend and/or what you plan to use the keyboard for. That would be very useful. I am saving now to buy a Yamaha S90. Can't wait to get it. Can not wait!!!!!鈥?/a>
  • makeup help
  • Is there any free website that will help you consolidate your debt or give financial advice?

    Try this one. Some info on consolidation types and common abuses.Is there any free website that will help you consolidate your debt or give financial advice?
    The best resource I've found for giving solid, conservative financial advice is Dave is the host of a nationally syndicated radio talk show and the author of numerous New York Times best-selling books on personal finance. His latest book is titled Total Money Makeover. I highly recommend it for helping you gain the proper perspective of debt and how it relates to your future.

    What's the best piece of advice you can give me? nice!What's the best piece of advice you can give me?
    be yourself.



    ohh i've got a better one!!

    don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the gameWhat's the best piece of advice you can give me?
    Start studying a week before you have a test, not the night before you have the test.
    Never take Kool-aid from your art teacher.

    Always put you underwear first.

    Don't wear tie-dye shirts.They are a fashion mess.

    And lastly,never read anything on wikipedia.It will ruin you.
    don't take the advice of strangers on the internet.
    Don't procrastinate.

    That is such good advice, trust me!
    NEVER put anything in the dryer witha seagull on it!
    Always treat people the way you would like to be treated.
    Omg run into the brick wall if you wanna be a superstar!

    Time is running out.

    I'll get my camercorder.
    dont eat the yellow snow.
    Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.
    rock out with your **** out

    be cool stay in school

    and stay tight with god

    Be Kind, Rewind!
    don't bite the hand that feeds you
    make sure when you are driving to always put the key in the ignition first
    live your life to the fullest every day
    Don't trust a ho.
    about what?

    a bit cliche but, dont do drugs
    dont ever be the only girl at an all guy party
    be yourself

    being someone else wont work

    Asking a question to any lady having already had a tummy tuck surgery-any advice you would give?

    My best friends mom had the procedure.

    She says be ready for a lot of pain but overall it will be worth it.

    You do not feel pain during surgery just for a week or so after.

    You may find it hard to eat for a few days after the surgery but make sure you keep drinking :)

    Hope this helps x

    And also make sure that you really want this procedure if you are not overweight by much dieting is alot more effective and less painful.

    What do you think about this advice ';marry the one who love you, not the one you love';?

    This advice was given to me by a relative of course based on her own experience.What do you think about this advice ';marry the one who love you, not the one you love';?
    I found to some extent it's true. I loved this guy who was all about himself and what was best for him %26amp; his family (mom,bros,etc) %26amp;finally,fed up, I left and met a guy who,from the start, wanted the best 4 me and put ME first and fell in love with him inWhat do you think about this advice ';marry the one who love you, not the one you love';?
    I think your relative is giving sound advice.

    If you marry someone you LOVE they may/may not love you back. When you need them they may or may not be there for you. If your sick they may not care for you but since you love them you would care for them. You would never be satisfied with this relationship-- you would always be chasig them and they would never truly be yours.

    If you married someone who loved you, you would always be able to depend on them. And you may begin with a confusing relationship but I think at the end of the day all things said and done-- you would love them back.
    Your relative obviously had a bad experience of loving someone who didn't love her back, so she just settled for someone who she didn't love because they loved her. This is stupid advice and you will never be happy, you'll always regret what you've done.

    Here's a new saying for you: 'Marry the one who you love and who also loves you back'
    I do believe that. when you marry the one that loves you no matter what happens in your relationship he or she will always still be there for you. THe one that you love you can love but when their love is gone theres a broken heart.


    CONFUSING.... but listen to your heart and you will not go wrong.
    I've always heard that too. I think it would be hard to be in a marriage day in and day out with someone who has feelings for you but you don't have as strong of a feeling for them. Sounds like you could end up hurting the person eventually. Mutual love is the best policy, I think.
    Sorry, but that's some of the worst advice I have ever heard. I agree with the first answer - wait for the one who loves you and who you also love. You have to love EACH OTHER equally. Why be stuck unhappy with someone who loves you, but who you are not happy with?
    because yOu're not sure if the one yOu love can love yOu back in return if yOu chOose him..

    but if yOu pick the one who loves yOu back,

    yOu're sure that this person will not leave yOu because he's inlove with yOu..

    hope i helped.. ^.^
    I know from being in a relationship that was not true love, just frienship. I would say marry the one you love and adore. So what if someone adores you, it means **** in the end.
    um marry for love, that's what it should be.

    you love him and he love you

    some peoples experience you should take advice from if it doesnt feel right to you
    Why not marry the one who loves you who you also love?

    Sorry dont agree with their advice.

    If you listen to ';mrs-J'; advice, no one will remain married except her in her'; flawless'; marriage. What do you?

    think?If you listen to ';mrs-J'; advice, no one will remain married except her in her'; flawless'; marriage. What do you?
    nothing is perfect, and some people can live with that and others can not. Happiness comes and goes. Love lasts forever if it is true! Family is great to have, you can not have to many of them except around Christmas when you have to buy them all gifts. Good friends are hard to find so if you find one keep them! And staying married is not all that easy at all times. So do what you have to and if that is not staying married, or getting help with your marriage then so be it!If you listen to ';mrs-J'; advice, no one will remain married except her in her'; flawless'; marriage. What do you?
    who's mrs.j if she told the truth she say her husband is tired of her being right 100% of the time no marraige is perfect ask my wife she s wrong all the time lol it takes alot of compromising
    noone has a flawless marriage. Everybody has problems. Its part of being human.
    its up to you whether you listen to her or not, she's just putting her two centz in.
    I think I have no idea about whom you are speaking. Sorry.
    Who's Mrs. J?
    Who is Mrs. J?

    MEN WOMEN what do you think of the following advice?

    'Its a cold, indifferent world so make the most of your life: take good care of yourself, make as much money as u can, enjoy your career, pursue your favourite hobbies and do all other things that make you happy'MEN WOMEN what do you think of the following advice?
    Excellent advice!

    You are the one that cares the most about your happiness. I always try to focus on myself, but never at the expense of others. Aim for win-win situations as much as possible.MEN WOMEN what do you think of the following advice?
    its like ';fxcking duh tell me something that my parents dont tell me everymorning'; seriously its like a brush ur teeth clean behind ur ears advise its stupid cuz thats what ppl do like without telling them all that crap srry if i sounded a bit rude tho :)
    its is a cold, indifferent world indeed...buts its good advice though
    Good advice......!!!

    i agree......
  • makeup help
  • when you are away from the country how to get rid of homesick or get settel down.advice me its urgent?

    came to do a job still learning the language mean while doing my studies,help needed when you are away from the country how to get rid of homesick or get settel down.advice me its urgent?
    I spent much time away from home too, you just have to try and have the best time while your there, and it will pass. the first couple weeks are hard but after a while you are not as homesick. Just enjoy your time, because when you do return home you will be happy you enjoyed yourself while you were there!

    Can you advice me any good site to check for plagiarism in a scholl project?

    Copy and paste, in quotes, some of the words you believe might be plagarized into the Google search box. If they stole it off the Internet, that will probably find it.

    Last sememster I caught people in every group project cheating. So did the professor. Two were expelled and the others are on academic probation. Their bad choices will follow them forever. is a great site. All my professors use it and my sister's kids are required to submit all work through a similar program.Can you advice me any good site to check for plagiarism in a scholl project?
    turnitin.comCan you advice me any good site to check for plagiarism in a scholl project?
    I thought you were checking comfortable sandals.

    What advice can you guys give me?

    I am a junior starting running back. I have watched 2 good running backs before me and they were very good backs. One of them ran for a 1000 and the other 700. I am in a list of very good backs and I want to know what advice can you guys give so I can know going into my year. I am a speed back and I am very quick and small 5-5 and 135. I was named the starter after sring practice. Any tipsWhat advice can you guys give me?
    Try to improve your game through additional weight training and proper nutrition. If you plan on playing in college you will have to add pounds to your frame to show scouts that you can play and stay on the field.What advice can you guys give me?
    My brother plays running back, he puts ankle weights on before he runs for exercise. I asked him one day why he did it, he said that the ankle weight helps him pull defenders couple more yards when they grab and hold on to his jersey. I think you should try it.

    Anyways, good luck next season!
    Work on your verticle, and hands. No scouts are going to look at a 5-5 back, so you have to show you can do more than run. Become a threat other than on handoffs.
    A ';speed back';, as compared to what? Do you juke real good too? Well, if you were named the starter, heh, heh, heh, you have nothing worry about.
    Get bigger and stronger and taller and faster thats ur answer
    Work on your English.

    What advice can you give to a youngster of 18 nowadays ??

    You have dreamt enuf till its time to implement!

    you read charles theory ';survival of the fittest'; b4r..its time you can realise must excel others to fetch a better job.

    Time to accept new matter what.. ultimate success matters!!

    You took others for its time you inspire others!

    Just go according to your career are the best judge of self....aware of own skill set...plan accordingly...once decided please do take suggestions from seniors and elders...then go ahead!

    Good luck.

    :)What advice can you give to a youngster of 18 nowadays ??
    This is a great lecture to listen to (from Stanford):鈥?/a>What advice can you give to a youngster of 18 nowadays ??
    college = $1,000,000 (attending college raises your lifetime income by one million dollars, on average)

    vote for someone who won't get you killed in Iraq

    call when you actually want my advice
    enroll in a college, and get a job to help pay your way
    Get a job.
    get a good education in a field you will enjoy; take some liberal art and enrichment courses. life is not all about careers it is about enrichment and culture also. wait to get married and have children until you are finished with your education and have had a chance to do some traveling and enjoy at least one adventure.
    Have lots of sex. Everyday!
    Get in at least 4 more years of school or some professional trade training NOW, even if you have to take out student loans to do it. It will pay off in less than 10 years of work.

    Open an IRA as soon as you have your first job. Even if you can only put $10 a week in it, start now and you'll be able to retire in comfort later. Compounded interest adds up faster than you think.

    Don't be stupid with your first credit card. Almost everyone makes this mistake and then wastes 3-8 years paying for it. Don't do it! Be the smart one! Don't buy ANYTHING except a car or a house that you can't pay off in three months or less. And don't buy a car that you can't pay off in three years or less - if it takes 5 years to pay it off, the payments are too high for your pocketbook right now. And when you get it paid off, don't run out and buy another one just because. Run it into the ground - and the whole time you're not paying the bank for it, bank the same payment in a savings account. That way you'll have a great down-payment on the next one and a smaller car note.

    Don't be in a hurry. Watch and listen. You'll learn a lot, and avoid pitfalls that others fall into.
    Law of karma holds true,universally.For every act you indulge secret or open,near or far,big or small,good or evil;there WILL be repercussions.So if you are sane enough to engage in an act[any act] you must be ready to take full responsibility for the consequencies of that act-intended or otherwise.And lastly adopt the golden rule:Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.And you'll live a fulfilling and happier life,trust me!
    Have a best friend - whatever else u do, however else u f*** up ur life, that person will be there for you to cry on. Of course, you have to return the favor - but it isnt too difficult for a best friend.
    Stay away from drugs,practice safe sex,and don't hang with the wrong crowds.
    when you graduate, leave home to the military or college. Do not take money from your parents. Instead, take out loans to pay for school or get scholarships. This way you grow up knowing you did it yourself with no help form Mommy and Daddy.
    Be your own person. Only other thing would be to try anything and everything on offer - find what you like doing and enjoy!
    forget school- travel and see everything you can- life's too short.

    take every moment and never let a good opportunity that you believe will benefit you, pass you by.

    if it isn't life-threatening, don't worry about it!!!

    i have just turned 24 and life goes fast after you hit 18.



    they have already worked out what is worth the time by then

    What advice would you give a senior in high school that's going to college next year?

    Have fun while u can, but don't slack off. college is great, but extremely hard work. try to enjoy yourself as much as you can because you may be overwhelmed with work in college.What advice would you give a senior in high school that's going to college next year?
    Congrats on being able to increase your education!

    Study hard and stay positive! Learn something from every event in your lifetime.

    Never pre-judge! Read - Read - Read! Read everything! Never stop asking questions!

    Put partying on the back burner, you'll have plenty of time for that later!

    Believe that anything is possible! All to often, it is!

    Good Luck with your future!


    The Ol' Sasquatch 脺What advice would you give a senior in high school that's going to college next year?
    don't get too mad at your parents. you'll like them in college.

    your friends you thought you had in high school will not be the same people when you come back for thanksgiving.

    profs will fail you if you don't go to enough class.

    you're not a nerd if you study

    First, try it. Actually GO to college. Money or no money. You can get loans.

    Second, ask around and talk with people. Meet the profs if you can. Students can tell you who the good profs are.

    Third, study something marketable. Unless you REALLY REALLY like it and want to just do it for its own sake. Art History is good if its how you would want to spend your time anyway but you might have to drive a cab to pay the student loans. If you have to actually work when you graduate, do LOTS of math, Science if you like it, Nursing if you will need money when you graduate. Other fields are good too. You get to do 2 years before you decide. Follow your interests. Learn what you have to learn. Ask WHY a lot? Yourself and the teachers. Then learn more of what YOU want to learn. Even if its not part of the class. Poke around in the library.
    Get a futon. They save a ton of room - then you can throw a couch under it.

    Oh - and you get to pick an entire new image (if you want) and whatever you do - make that new image a confident one.
    get a college that u wont have to sleep so that u can see ur family and get into the best college it donsent really matter what college u get into it just matters that you got into one good luck and remeber what you want to acomplish
    Study hard, listen well, follow your teacher's advice
    To enjoy the campus and to scope out where everything is in the town that you are going to, because you will need to know where the local Kinkos or Krispie Kreme is when you are burning the midnight oil, trying to get that last minute paper finished up. Another thing is to let your roommate know up front the things you like or dont like, so that you 2 can compromise.
    Discuss your plans with your parents and a school counselor. Let them help you decide, based on your SAT and possibly ACT scores, what college(s) are best for you. Base it on your major/minor or double majors also. Good Luck!
    don't go to Keuka college,

    and if you go to a small school, you do need a car.

    Beware of freaky roommates

    What advice would you give my mom where she works at forces her to try to sell at LEAST a % of sales but she d?

    and she doesn't like forcing sales should she quit and try other jobs or just adviceWhat advice would you give my mom where she works at forces her to try to sell at LEAST a % of sales but she d?
    Many sales position require goals and levels of performance. If she cannot handle it and it means coming home at night in a ';frizzy'; she ought to move on. In some of my companies this is a requirement and some cannot make it, some actually love this type of pressure. But if she is barely hitting the goals and under extreme pressure each week/month, she should get another line of work. I am being honest.What advice would you give my mom where she works at forces her to try to sell at LEAST a % of sales but she d?
    If she is not the type of person that can comfortably push people into sales (and many of us aren't), then yes find a different job. But find it before quiting.
    Find another job. How is this religious again?
    Pray to Cheeses %26amp; Crackers!!!
    Anyone who doesn't like pushing people to buy or sign up for something doesn't really belong in sales/retail. I don't know if quitting is the right thing to do-- she should make sure she has another job lined up. But staying in a job that makes you miserable is usually never worth it.

    Also, wrong section.
    Dance it out.
  • makeup help
  • What advice would you give a girl in highschool?

    elders help me out here. i need advice on highschool.What advice would you give a girl in highschool?
    My advice is to be yourself and not be lead by your peers to do something that contradicts your values. You need to make choices that will benefit you in your whole life and not just the 4 years that you are in high school. Work hard at school and try your best at everything you do. Be kind to everyone, whether you would want them as friends or not. Show respect to all differences. Do not do anything that compromises your future, like unprotected sex, smoking, or doing drugs. Be you.What advice would you give a girl in highschool?
    It is the fastest years of your life, I learned more about myself then ever in that school. The first week may be a little intimidating but soon you will feel like you have been there your whole life.
    Education is the best friend you'll never know you have,

    until you meet what could become your worst enemy,

    '; Self Reliance '; . . .

    What advice would you give a child about having sex?

    what wuld u tell ur son or daughter and wha advice wuld u give them about sexuality?What advice would you give a child about having sex?
    For kids age 14 and under I'll tell them don't do it (PERIOD)

    For Kids age 15 to 17 I'll tell them use a condom and don't get pregnant or don't get them pregnant.

    For 18 and older they can make their own decisions on how and when to have sex.What advice would you give a child about having sex?
    Wait, till you're 18 ! Thats early enough !

    :- )
    If i had a kid. i would tell him/her to Use protection and do it when your ready.
    As a parent myself I feel the best protection is knowledge. If we teach our children and educate them on what is normal at their age, they are able to figure out what is not and if there is a problem come to you.

    I would not advocate my child having sex, of course we all know that at some point there is a good chance they will, but on their terms and when they are emotionally ready which usually isn't until they are in there late 20's. lol

    If our children are informed about their bodies and feel comfortable concerning them.

    When they become young adults and those hormones are raging they will practice self-love aka masturbation and not look to others to full fill their needs but themselves.
    Don't do it until they get married.
    Dont share toys
    abstinence is best. you wont get std's or get pregnant.

    tell them to wait til they are atleast 18.

    just say what you think honestly

    But seriously, 1) man+woman+sex=BABY, Always, no exceptions.

    2) Over 105% of the population has AIDs.

    3) Sex is VERY painful and usually kills people.

    And then as they get older, I'd probably tell them the truth. =D
    I would need an age of the child before I can give an answer. A child needs an age appropriate answer. If they are coming to you with questions and they are under 13, then I would be as honest as I could be and just answer the question. After age 13, then I think they need ';the talk.'; With my kids we told them the reasons people have sex, oury opinion about waiting, but I gave them all the information on safe sex because I feel they needed to protect themselves against diseases and pregnancy, should they decide to go against our advice. Safety is foremost with us.
    Use protection. Don't do it. I don't know, I don't have kids. I'm still at the age where I should be getting the advice. Ha ha.
    It's normal to think about it, and you'll probably hear your friends talk about it. The reason we don't want you to, is because it's a serious thing, that could kill you if you're not careful, and mess you up if you're not ready. And if it's a young girl you're talking about, tell her about all the mind games boys play to get it.
    JUST WAIT!!!!
    It depends on what questions my child asked me. If I had a child that didn't ask questions or tell me about their live I think as a mom I would put a condom where they could find it so they would talk to me. That would certainly get their attention and I could tell them : I don't want to know if you are or not but if you are please use protection. I would rather you not be doing anything but if you have questions you can ask.

    Right now my children have an open relationship with me but she and he are not very old but she does ask questions and I always try to answer them.
    don't do it.
    i was told that i was trusted. if i really wanted to have sex and was sure! then it was okay to do it, but only if i was safe, let your kid know its okay, everyones going to do it, not at 13! but around 16 everyone is open to it, you cant watch your kid 24/7 or know if they go behind your back, but if worst came to worse, you'd wanna be there for them right? not have them hide it from you because you said ';NO!'; and they messed up :]

    hope it helps.
    one of my best friends had sex in fifth grade she got pregnant and died just tell them not to do it.
    I Would tell them not to do it at such an early age. Then I would tell them the consequences that come with it.The benefits of not having sex like energie, straight the joy of your fresh sanity.The joy of waiting and how much better it would be to wait. Then if its to late I would give them all the heads ups about diseases and pregnancies, stress.Then I would say good night and snick out for some cooled ones a couple if you know what I mean.
    This is a good site to look over...

    It has information for guys and girl.s.
    Umm dont have sex and if you do use condoms and if you get pregnant its your own dumb *** fault
    depends on the age

    teenager be graphic about OTHER ISSUES besides a possiable baby and hope they listen

    younger be age appropicate
    Everything. The Truth and the whole truth.

    Use a condom every time.

    Condoms break

    If you can't afford a baby you shouldn't take the risk

    Highschool love almost never last forever

    Pulling out is not a safe way to prevent babies because of precum

    Many people have an STD and don't know it so use a condom

    Use a latex condom because membrane condoms can transmit disease

    It feels good

    Sex isn't love

    If your parents catch you, you are grounded forever.

    If her parents catch you, you might go to jail for statatory rape.

    No, means no

    Sex with drunk women is rape if she says so in the morning.

    What advice would you give to a friend who just lost a...?


    It was a tragic accident at his work I guess, he is missing a leg!What advice would you give to a friend who just lost a...?
    Say, atleast you can hop on the other foot!What advice would you give to a friend who just lost a...?
    I'm not sure he needs advice from you, but he would probably appreciate support. The advice would probably be better if given by someone who has been there.

    What about offering him rides when he needs them, or doing some of the physical stuff, until he gets his prosthesis on?
    don't give advice when you know nothing about the problem...just be a friend and be there for him to talk or just hangout and listen to him

    Are your kids close together in age, any words of wisdom or advice you can share??? THANKS?

    I am 22 weeks pregnant and I have a 9 month old little girl. They will be 12-13 months apart... Does anyone have experience with their babies being so close together in age? Any advice or anything that you found to be easier, that you can share?

    I realize I am going to have my hands full... We ( the hubby/I) are super excited about having them so close together... just wondering if anyone has any helpful advice that may come in handy??? ThanksAre your kids close together in age, any words of wisdom or advice you can share??? THANKS?
    My babies are 12 months apart, not kidding. My daughter will be 2 in October and my son will be 1 in October.

    First, enjoy the time you have with your oldest now. Do some special things together before the baby comes.

    When your second baby is a little older try and get them on the same routine, especially naps! I have a couple hour sanity break each day now that I have them napping at roughly the same time. You will definitely need that break!

    It is very busy, even overwhelming at times but remember it will get easier as they get a little older. Those early days when my son was a newborn are like a blur. Sleep deprived doesn't even begin to describe it. i never felt so exhausted in my life!

    Get help if you can from a trusted relative or friend. In my case, my second baby, my son had colic. It was hard enough having 2 babies to look after but having one that screamed for hours was unforeseen and took a real toll on our family. Just try and be prepared by lining up some help now in case you need it later.

    Did I mention it does get easier as they get older (and are both sleeping through the night, YAY!!) You will find the routine that works for you. Good luck and congratulations.Are your kids close together in age, any words of wisdom or advice you can share??? THANKS?
    Ditto what ';Mom of Irish Twins'; said exactly, my younger one also was colicky so the first 3 months were a NIGHTMARE...I didn't go anywhere.

    But he is now 6 months and my older one is 20 months and it is starting to get better though still hard, I try to get them to nap at the same time and they do have the same bedtime so that's good. I am hoping it will get better after 1 year when my little one is walking and can play more with my older one.

    Also I find it easiest to get around with my younger one in a baby carrier and older one in the single stroller. We have a double stroller but rarely use it.

    It's tough but they are both a joy, good luck...
    It is wonderful to have them close in age. My two older ones are 21 months apart. Not quite as close as yours but close none the less. It is really difficult the first couple years but once the younger one hits about 3 it gets much easier. My oldest is 5 1/2 now and my middle child is almost 4. They are so close....they are like best friends. My middle and youngest children are 3 years apart. My youngest is almost 10 months old and we have started trying for a fourth and final child just so that he will have a sibling close to his age also. It will be difficult and trying at times but I think you will be glad that they are close in age.......good luck %26amp; congrats.
    I have 2 girls 16 months apart. It was the hell when they were around 5 to 8. They had fights about everything. Now they are 17 and 15 and best friends.

    For me it was easier. They youngest one got the clothes from the elder one. They had the same interest's when they were playing together, the younger one was learning faster (speaking, walking, potty train). Today they talk each other about everything and are very relaxed young ladies.
    My sister and I are just 16 months apart and i think its great..

    We obviously have fights sometimes, but its nice because she can be like a friend rather than just a big sister, and we're kind of just happy to spend time together. And its good because like her friends become my friends and her friends become my friends, so its good.

    I guess its not really advice, but I thought you might like to know. :)

    Seriously, I have two little ones that are close in age, and they have bonded. Victoria will get mad and make Amanda move out of her room, Only to move into her room a few days later.

    The oldest daughter (lucky 3 girls) is often the target fo them
    i have 2 boys that are 13 months apart..They are best friends consider your self blessed!
    well from my experience, my brother was younger 12 months than me and we never got along.

    Its my first time flying, i'm kinda nervous, Is there any advice you can give me to make me more comfortable?

    So i've never flown before, I am kinda nervous, I don't wanna freak out when the plane is in the air or goes to take off, i'm afraid of it crashing or something else going wrong. I'm also worried that during my lay over I might miss the other plane. Any advice on how to make this an enjoyable experience?Its my first time flying, i'm kinda nervous, Is there any advice you can give me to make me more comfortable?
    Don't worry about it. I know that seems hard not to, but the more you worry, the scarier it'll be.

    When you taxi, you barely feel the plane move at all. At this point the cabin crew will tell you all you need to know about what to do in case of emergencies and such.

    When the plane prepares for liftoff, it starts to go really fast down the runway, and then within 45 seconds you are up in the air. Things may seem a little wobbly at first, but that's just because of moving through the different altitudes. Your ears will pop as you climb through the altitudes also. (chewing gum, drinking something, swallowing, or yawning will alleviate the pressure.)

    Once you are in the air, things will feel smooth. You will hear the humm of the engines, but that's normal, nothing to worry about. I actually find it relaxing. If there is turbulence, you might feel the plane wobble a little bit, but remember, planes are designed to withstand this, so take a deep breath and try not to think about it.

    When you are approaching landing, your ears will pop as you descend through the altitudes (remember: chewing gum, drinking something, swallowing, or yawning will alleviate the pressure). You will feel the plane slow down and the cabin crew will prepare you for landing. When the plane touches down it kind of feels like a short jolt, and then you hear them cut the engines off and the plane slows down pretty fast.

    From there, the plane will taxi to either the gate or the designation where a bus will pick you up. You wait for the plane to decompressurize a few moments before they start letting the passengers out. That was your flight.

    To entertain yourself:

    - Bring along a few book, magazines, puzzles (such as crosswords or Sodoku if you like those).

    - Bring along an iPod, MP3 player, or CD player to listen to music.

    - A laptop is good to have as you can play games on it, connect to the internet, and get any work done that you may have.

    - Try talking to the people next to you. Sometime you will meet some really interesting people, and forge friendships.

    As for your layover, as soon as they let you off the plane, go to the nearest check-in counter and ask what gate your next flight is at. They will point you in the right direction. Airports are equipped with many signs that are clearly marked and tell you what way to go.

    Happy traveling!Its my first time flying, i'm kinda nervous, Is there any advice you can give me to make me more comfortable?
    no worries, i think u will have a nice time. Just relax and enjoy yourself. just think about what you can do when u land and connect. as for the layovers i have done alot of international flights and never missed one. just pay attention to your flight numbers and boarding times when you land at the connecting airport.

    My first flight was in a corporate jet. that was scary to me, knowing it flew even higher than a commercial airliner.. but after like 30 or so flights to practically all over asia im fine and really enjoy it. i still have a little trouble looking out the window!
    ive been tried flying every once a year.. well all you can do is just breathe and relax.. read some newspapers and listen to the musics...and so that you wont leave by the airplane you should come on and check in one hour before your flight...try to chew gums while your sitting..relax...relax.....
    The day of my flight: I give my ticket to the agent and walk onto the plane. I listen to the announcements and notice where the exits are and I watch the flight attendents as they get ready for take off. I tighten my seat belt and put some gum in my mouth and ask the agents how long it will take us to land after take off and then I will wave out the window to my husband and blow a kiss and then close the blind, ( I don't like to watch us taking off), and then when I fell us being push back I will say a quit prayer for all of us and then when we taxi forward to the holding part I will tell the passenger ';here we go'; and then next thing you will know is that the plane will be taxing down the runway going faster and the nose will lift up first and then the wings, and you are up climbing. The plane will be turning while it is still climbing but that is normal until it level off. When it does then the flight attendants will get up and start serving and that is when I get my book or dvd player out and watch my movies and count down until it is time to land.

    You will feel the plane turn, and hit bumps, and when the plane level off that is when I open the blinds. I will even look out at the clouds and they look so soft and puffy. Like cotton. Sometimes I have to take motion sickness pills so that I don't get sick in the air but that is OK. You take those before you leave your house and you can get those at the store or even at the gift shop at the airport.

    When I land, I always ask what gate is my next flight is and where the gate is and then I will go looking for it. If I come across some monitors, I will look for my flight to make sure that I did not miss it. When I find my gate I will look for my flight on the screen to see if it is still there and I will go to the bathroom and then come back and sit down until it is time for my flight. You will do great. Have confidence in yourself. I do.
    eat as much food as they offer
    Carry your favorite snacks on with you. You'll see other seasoned passengers doing it all around you, it's cool.

    We never eat McDonald's unless we are flying. We pick up a salad after passing security and eat it like a business lunch after the unbuckle seat belt announcement. Airlines are allowing this again...they made us stop for security reasons for a stint, but it's cool again.

    You'll be fine during your layover, if you don't go to sleep you shouldn't miss your connecting flight. Don't be shy to ask for directions from airline staff. If you're tired and have a cell phone ask a friend to call you as a wake up call. I missed three consecutive flights once because I was exhausted. The party waiting for me on my destination end began to think I wasn't interested in making the trip!

    Happy Trails.
    just calm down and try to make small talk w/ the passenger next to you


    try sleeping
    Make sure you allow yourself PLENTY of time to get to your gate. Being rushes will only increase your stress.

    Also make sure you drink lots of water and bring some snacks. Staying hydrated and keeping your blood sugar even will keep you from feeling as shaky.
    you have a better chance of getting into a car accident than a plane accident. bring a mp3 player to listen on the flight.
    Airplane flying is quite safe. I'm also a nervous wreck while on a plane so I totally understand. Remember feels alot like riding a bus. If you close your eyes you will feel little bumps in the road from time to time and some minor josteling just like in a bus. It's all totally normal and expected. To make it as enjoyable as possible...I always take my portable cd player or an ipod. I also get a few xanax from my doctor.
    You are more likely to die in an accident on the way to the airport than die during the airplane flight you're on. Don't worry about a thing.

    What's the best advice you've ever received?

    who you are is not up to themWhat's the best advice you've ever received?
    Work hard, become successful, become rich, THEN Partying will be much more fun :D!What's the best advice you've ever received?
    You only live once.

    I know that is such a cliche piece of advice, but it is so true.
    Exercise every day.

    You will stay healthy all your life.
    If it doesnt seem legal then it mostly likely isnt
    You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything
    A friend told me to invest in a property.
    Don't trust a ho...
    Never eat yellow snow.

    walk away
    ';Just , Give your self time to know who you are and what you like
    Don't get married.

    ';If you don't have the heart for this, let's do something else.';
  • makeup help
  • Do you have any advice on Tanning?

    I now live by the beach, before lived in the country, and want to get a SUN tan. I don't tan well. I don't want to go to a tanning salon or spray it on.

    I would like to know if there's any lotions ppl put on or something that attracts the sun. Someone told me Baby oil does the trick. Do you know of any other tricks and does the baby oil work? I don't want tanning lotions that turns me brown but something that makes me tan in the sun.Do you have any advice on Tanning?
    Coconut oil works as well as baby oil. You can also try the lotions they sell at salons.Do you have any advice on Tanning?
    try using a light tanning lotion( dont put it on too heavy, just a little bit) on your skin before you leave to go to the beach so your already tanning and your more likely to get a better tan. i dont live by the beach but when i go outside thats what i do and it works!

    Do you have any advice, suggestions, or ideas for middle school stuff for a 6th grader?

    I'm 11, 12 in 1 month, and I'm finally going into middle school. I am taking band and all the other regular classes. I want to fit in. Does anyone have any ideas for lockers, clothes, carrying stuff, lunch, or any tipical middle school stuff? I want to fit in, and I'm not friend-less at all by the way. I just need advice or ideas for stuff in middle school. Especially the first day at a whole new school.~Do you have any advice, suggestions, or ideas for middle school stuff for a 6th grader?
    I suggest you see about calling your new middle school to find out if you can scope out where all of your classes will be. Make sure you have your bell schedule, and study it before school starts. Talk to your friends - do you have classes together? Which ones? If you know ahead of time that you'll have class with your best friend for Math, it's something to look forward to. The first day of school is always a little scary; you can reduce that by knowing where you need to be and when.

    Be yourself - don't worry so much about fitting in. I know that's hard, but it's important to do. That will help you decide what to wear.

    Carrying stuff: your school will probably have a policy about what you need to have with you, and how you can carry it. For example, some schools let students use a backpack; others have students use a Trapper Keeper. You'll have to decide what to carry with you based upon what the school will allow.

    Lunch: Cafeteria food is, well, cafeteria food. You've had it before. Bringing something from home might be a good option.

    As for your locker, keep it neat and organized. If you don't, it'll be easy to lose papers, and you'll end up with late or missing work, which will hurt your grades. You can get locker organizers to help keep stuff where it belongs. Keeping a neat locker will also keep your stress level down. To make your locker pretty, think about getting some cool magnets to hold up pictures of your family and friends.

    The same goes for your folders and notebooks. Keep everything for each class in its own place.

    Use an assignment planner, even if your school doesn't require one. Writing down your assignments will help you remember when they're due, and since you'll have more teachers in the upcoming year, it will be important to stay on top of all of your assignments in each class.

    Ask your teacher questions if you have them. Teachers want to help you do well, and sometimes they can't tell if you're having problems unless you tell them.

    Use your lunch hour to hang out with your friends and blow off steam. Middle school can be stressful, so having good friends to lean on is important.

    Go out for sports. In middle school, you won't have recess so you won't be getting as much exercise - sports can help you get out and enjoy physical activity while you're learning how to improve your skills. You'll also make friends on the team, which is always good.

    Band is an awesome idea!Do you have any advice, suggestions, or ideas for middle school stuff for a 6th grader?
    Wonderful answer! This is brilliant, because I'm starting middle school in two months, so I definetely needed this information.

    Thanks everyone else too,

    except for DoodleGirl, that answer sucks!

    Report Abuse

    To me, thats more of a dream way of living through middle school. People change and so do schools. Don't forget about school bullies. I have plenty at my school! Bullies come in many different styles. They could be mean girls or just plain bullies. Just watch out. It's no fantesy land anymore.

    Report Abuse

    I am going into 7th grade and 6th grade for me was life changing. At the beginning of the year I was the same old me. Now I'm completly new and changed. If your worried about what people think. Don't. If your worried about what BOYS think, do. IF you---well you know what I mean, they will annoy you for the rest of your life. If you want more advice or BETTER advice. E-mail me @ I can coach you through your whole 6th grade year!
    Be yourself. Try talking to a new girl in every class. That way you will make friends in each class. It sucks when you have a class with no friends but in middle school you have the opportunity to make tons of new friends. : )

    Also, if you wear make-up don't wear too much. Just put on a little bit of lip gloss. Girls in middle school shouldn't wear too much foundation and eye-makeup. It looks bad, almost clownish. Wait until 8th or 9th grade to start wearing more make-up.

    Good luck. I'm sure you'll branch out an make lots of new friends. :)
    Well im going in the 7th grade and im 12 so were the same age. Just be yourself and do all your work and you will do fine. About lockers...Hmmm you could get those framed mirrors and hang it up.
    You'll need an i-pod and a flash drive.
    Be yourself. Don't get lost in what you think everyone else wants you to be. You may have more friends that way, but are they really your friends? Besides, it's stressful trying to be someone you're not. Don't try too hard and just be yourself.

    What was the best advice you ever gave someone?

    ';To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.';

    You not only need to love others, you need to love yourself.What was the best advice you ever gave someone?
    forgive everybody, so my Father in heaven can forgive you.What was the best advice you ever gave someone?
    I don't dispense advice.
    to never fall in love with someone if they are not willing to catch you.
    ';Get your lazy a*s*s out and find a job!';
    Stop wallowing in your misery. I know people who deliberately make themselves miserable just so they can wallow and whine. They want me to commiserate with them and I just want to smack them.
    My advice was so good until my friend decided not to commit suicide!
    dont do drugs
    Don't sweat the small stuff.
    F*%26amp;^^%26amp;%%26amp;#^%k em all

    The short and the tall.
    ';Never get Married %26amp; have Children';.....!!
    stop, drop, and roll

    What is the best advice you can give for high school?

    I'm starting my freshman year Monday. What are the things I need to know most about academics, making friends in classes where I have none, after school activities, and all that stuff? What is the one thing you wish you knew most when you started high school?What is the best advice you can give for high school?
    Wow, I wish I had asked this question when I was your age. If someone told me to not worry so much about dating...and more about what I may want to really spend my time doing, then I would have focused more on my studies and saving money to travel more. I would have spent more time with girlfriends and less time at lame parties.

    Academics: Study daily, a little goes a long way. Get a tutor if you are struggling. Do the best you can, and if it is not for you do what you have to do to get into the post secondary school you want.

    Friends: Just smile and be yourself. Remember everyone is feeling nervous and worried just like you. Don't worry if you don't have friends in every class.

    After school activities: Join groups that you like, if you are an athlete etc...just join a team. Or maybe you'd like student council?

    The most important thing to know is, life just keeps getting better and better.

    Have fun.

    What is the best advice you can give for high school?
    I really, really wish someone would have told me not to trust anyone. I know that sounds cynical, but the thing is, people in high school are still too immature to value friendship. People will do anything to get what they want, and that's a fact.

    That's not to say you can't have friends. And sooner or later, you're going to give your heart out and trust them. And hey, some people will treat you with the respect and loyalty that you deserve. But it doesn't happen often. Ask anyone; most people will tell you that they're best friend freshman year isn't really their best friend anymore.

    If you need some more tips on how to survive freshman year, you can go to for a guide (it's there if you scroll down a little) as well as to find other guides on things that will help you get through high school.
    Just enjoy it and do what you like. Don't worry about popularity or anything like that, it won't matter once you graduate. Find what you really love and build towards a bigger goal. You're finding out who you are and it will help you later on if you know what you like versus what you don't...for college and beyond.
    The best advice is don't lie about urself.

    Dress like u,act like u, be U.

    Don't pretend.

    Stick with old friends and don't strive for acceptance.

    Oh and one more thing be nice to EVERYONE.

    even those idiots who make life hell, because they will give up if u dont react
    Just like middle school. The one thing I wish I knew most before I started high school was the ';pranking Freshmen'; was BS. They never really do anything to the freshmen, just to scare them.

    What is the best advice you could give to the one you love.?

    Obay my every command and all will be fine. :)What is the best advice you could give to the one you love.?
    In my opinion

    That he can ALWAYS confide in me (he keeps things to himself and bottles it up,i.e his nan is currently Comftable in the nursing home where she is,we think she only has wks) but he wont open up and more than likely go off the rails once she dies.What is the best advice you could give to the one you love.?
    the best thing I could tell him is that he needs to do what ever it takes to give up on the past so that the future can be everything he wants it to be
    ';Please, don't mess up my haircut,

    when you're cutting my 'Mohawk'.';
    please dont have sex with will ruin everything

    What is the WORST advice you have ever been given?

    ';Don't get high. It's not worth it.';-Mom.What is the WORST advice you have ever been given?
    from my mom. 1th grade lmao

    her ';if the girls are being mean tell a teacher';

    me ok mommy

    %26lt;AT SCHOOL%26gt;

    girl. ellie i hate your pants there ugly

    me. =( teacher she told me my pants were ugly =(

    teacher. attention class i don't want anymore name calling to ellie

    me *turns beet red*

    class. *laughter*

    never again did i take my moms advice not even in middle school lolWhat is the WORST advice you have ever been given?
    The gas tank isn't full, the gas hose/nozzle thingy is broken!!!!!
    To stay married because we had been together awhile and got along.

    Haha shows you what other people know, we didn't get along at all
    druGS watup drugs watup homes drugs
    Nobody gives me any advice, I figure it all out on my own .
    ';follow your heart.';

    bad advice, the heart is treacherous.
    dont worry, i wont show these pictures to anyone.

    lol not really advice but yeah, some how they leaked out.
    Everybody gets cold feet
    if it's destined to happen it will happen.
    that it doesnt matter if you arent in love, you should stay married because they can provide for me.
    Friend: i think I'm falling in love with him

    me: then go get him!

    ...And later I know that he is such as jerk!
    I was told that she was ';clean.'; I was told wrong. That's one fish taco I'll never forget... : P
    ';If you can't decide, let someone else decide for you.';
    ';Hookers won't send their pimps after you for the cash you didn't pay';
    When I was told that I was a bimbo. Duh!
    Drop the soap in a jail shower. People won't ever f**k with you.
    ';You should get married. It'll make your life better.';
    Stay in school
    ';Just take the time off to get better.';
    Take a long walk of a short plank :o)
    ';If I really Love Her, Marry Her';......!!
    The truth will set you free.
    to take a trip to the usa
    Don't think, just do.
    give the other cheek
    I seem to use this answer alot. it covers a whole range of questions it seems.

    When I was 3 my mother told me I shouldn't play with it too much or it would fall off.

    Stupid mom...


    moms...they re great right..
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