I want some life advice. Pertaining to anything, i don't care...can be bollocks if you want..
Advice on anything. at all.Can you give me any life advice?
Here are some:
%26gt;%26gt;Every person has some bad habits, weaknesses or weirdness. You
won't know until you spend much time with them. However, despair not, some of these make them rather unique or interesting. Learning to tolerate them makes us stronger individuals. So just smile, laugh, etc and accept that this is Life.
%26gt;%26gt;Be actively involved in a couple of meaningful hobbies that can be shared with a few friends, relatives, colleagues. One great way to spend time in a healthy way, reduce stress or depression.
%26gt;%26gt;Work hard during the weekdays in whatever pursuits, job, etc you are in, and let your hair down during the week-end. Another way to
be happy or to avoid insanity.
%26gt;%26gt;Acquire some of these qualities/characteristics--focus, passion, sincerity, responsibility, willingness to share, initiative, humility, friendliness and diligence. They are powerful traits that bring positive results to any relationship, career, etc.
%26gt;%26gt;Do daily reading to acquire an awareness and general knowledge of current affairs, health, safety, some sports or entertainment, etc. They make great topics for opening up conversations with strangers, acquaintances and friends.
%26gt;%26gt;If you drive, the safe and generally ideal speed of a car is 90-115kph. A head-on collision with another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction or with a tree or building, at speeds beyond 130kph results in certain death or serious disabilities. Even with safety belts or air-bags available, there is a minimum chance of survival. Bodies have been crushed or thrown out through the windshields. Statistics and experiments have proven this.
%26gt;%26gt;Never court or marry a beauty queen, unless she has proven to have positive inner qualities. Or you are wealthy enough to support/satisfy her in emotional, moral or material ways.
%26gt;%26gt;Life will always throw us many moments of loneliness and boredom. It is up to us, our ideas and positive attitude, to make it meaningful and interesting. A sin or two won't harm the intellect or emotions, neither would one be sent to Hell. I really don't know where the hell this place is, nor believe that any god would be so mean to have created it! ;-(
Hope some of the tips would help in changing your life in a most enjoyable, safe and fulfilling way. Best of luck! :-)))Can you give me any life advice?
Don't allow yourself to become bitter enough to not appreciate people or to push the right people out of your life. And MAKE a family if you can't accept or don't bond with your own! Being alone in the end will not make your life worth it... There is nothing worse then feeling empty and alone because you couldn't think of a person you'd be able to talk to about the smallest thing.
Make sure you have a soft place to land.....
The most important thing is what you think of yourself!. Don't be afraid to do something just jump in and do it!,
I love in the movie ratatouille when Anton Ego goes to rate the restaurant and he tells the waiter, he orders a perspective!, and the waiter doesn't understand, and he tells him Ok, since no one in this Bloody town or country has one, You give me the food and I'LL give YOU the perspective..meaning that the most important thing to have is a reason a way your way to want to do something, because many people have money fame etc.. but don't have or own a purpose!!!.
many people have forgotten what REAL relationships with friends should be.
lots of people show a different part of themselves to their friends than who they really are, only being fun and happy around them, not wanting to trouble them, or grant them special information about who you are deep down.
i know you probably can't ever show /all/ of who you are inside to some one, but friends should be people who understand you, and still want to have a good time with you.
if they are good friends, they deserve to know who you are.
when you find yourself in a hole that either you fell into or that you dug yourself just know that if you get off your butt and think about it you will find a way to get out. if you dug the hole yourself you must have a shovel in your hands and if you fell into it, look for the shovel that you have inside yourself and dig, dig, dig your way out. persistence and hard work will get you past most barriers and out of many holes.
1. Cause and effect; if you read good writing, you will learn and acquire wisdom (wise dominion).
2. So, ';The Path of the Higher Self'; and ';The Masters and Their Retreats,'; Mark Prophet,
';Expecting Adam,'; Martha Beck,
';Extraordinary Knowing,'; Dr. Elizabeth Mayer,
';Watch Your Dreams,'; Ann Ree Colton,
';The Master of Lucid Dreams,'; Dr. Olga Kharitidi,
';The Great Divorce,'; C. S. Lewis,
';Freakonomics,'; S. Levitt,
';The Yoga of Nutrition,'; O. M. Aivanhov,
';Testimony of Light,'; Helen Greaves.
Also worthwhile: 1-800-525-LOVE http://www.klove.com 24/7
Hole diggies usually often speak by dirty singapore government doggies especially those guilty one. because there are 5 four holes digged and the doggies has only 3 covers so no matters how they cover, there is always 2 hole exposes for their misconduct and misdeed evilly.
by the way, WORLD EXPERTs say that everyone in the 20's 2 30's are the prime time of all times. WELL, i no need to talk big as number 2 but it is proofed all around the world. e.g. MOdel, super stars, inventors or singers and all other expertise of jobs even BUSINESSMEN too, lol. they all earned big bang bucks during the 20 - 30 periods.
Oh, 30 comes, everyone life's suck cos it hard to be hire over 30 as all companies love 20 onwards. Oso, 20s give the best education for u to earn big monies including EXPERTs around the WORLD hahahahha
also ExPERTs says 30 onwards are NO GOOD For babies birth. hahahah and do i need to list bad things about 30 onwards? Useless expensively no 1 world pay Singapore USELESS government DOggie say so better than number 2? hahhahah well whatsoevers, 2 dun cares but the world regretted by having too much good for nothing doggies. haha E.G. everyone realises that GENIUSES around the WORLD are GONE. I know some are hiding but i am not going 2 find them haha...since this is the way they wanna to be.
LIFE is never short when comes 2 living with the DOGs in the DOGS eat DOGS World because they mentally trick U 2 think life is really short in order to suffer the DOG's Poo POO suffering in life of yours. Reason : U suffer, DOG comfort!
Dun listen 2 DOG's advisements cos it nevers works. TODAY world got no monies are the very good example OREDI! hahah due to listen 2 the DOGGIES! Speak up bravely the truth, but nothing but the truth with reality FACTS supporting. I always do that and I dun do DOG poo Poo pussy Dicky Dick Dick TALKS!
Dun believe? observe me, U will realise i alway speak reality starks! haha cos I dun TEACH DOG's POO POO!
IF DOG can work out and earn big monies, why the FaRT are they sTILL A good for nothing DOGGIES around the world! LOL! THE INFAMOUS 2's WORD ADVISEMENT! OH, admit it, please I discuss BATTER than those highly PAID DOGgies, agree?
1) Don't trust the advice of anyone over 30.
2) Life is short; throw yourself into anything you do as intensely as possible, or it is wasted.
3) (corollary of 2) Act deliberately, precisely, and speak the truth.
WARNING ';STAY AWAY FROM THE ROTTEN SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT DOG!'; U will regret one fine day for being a DOG! it's your call especially DIRTY gov DOGs who kill pple life for a cash rich living. Once a DOG always a DOG! U want to be a DOG or be a talented one people? Your CALL! but DUN REGRET LATER! HAHAH
U love free show? I have many DOG free show. one chapter is about USELESS DOGGIES push their parents to other pple 2 look after and no blood related u know? imao!
Always be yourself. Do what makes you happy. Don't be overly concerned about pleasing others, but help those that you can. Don't stress over things, and choose a path that suits you.
pick fat, gigolo, bald, UGLY blaster and super mini cork as your honey cos he has the power of Zhu Ge Liang. lol. and powerful than those good for nothing expensively paid Gov DOGGIES! oh, he can save the earth.
Don't trust anyone.
Don't vote to help reelect Obama
Don't marry until you are at least 30. Then hopefully all your wild oats will have come and gone.
Don't follow nice religious speak person, because they are, almost always, psychotics.
A hug
Maintain a critical outlook. Do not blindly accept the beliefs of others without examining them critically yourself.
Do something crazy with money, buy something that;ll blow away your usual budget.
Forgiveness eliminates pain.
Shoot for the moon...even if you miss you'll land among the stars. Get to the moon even if you have to crawl:D
Eat a bowl of porridge every morning.
Don't put axe on your private parts. Ow.
(sorry, it's crude, but it's all I got)
Live your interests and do what you love.
Live life to the fullest...for tomorrow we may die.
be careful looking out for number one cause you might step in number two
Wherever you go............. there you are !
Never look a gifthorse in the mouth.....she gets self conscious about her teeth...
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